The International Organization for Qumran Studies

Month: October 2017

SBL International Meeting (Helsinki, Finland, July 30–August 3, 2018): Call for Papers

(courtesy of Jutta Jokiranta)

Call For Papers:

The Qumran and Dead Sea Scrolls unit welcomes papers for four separate sessions

1) The first session is on Ethics and Policies regarding Unprovenanced Materials. This session continues the conversation begun in ISBL Berlin 2017 sessions on the “Tracing and Facing the Possibility of Forgeries.” The current focus moves from identification of forgeries towards Ethics and Policies in the academic community and beyond, participating in wider discussions concerning heritage management, measures to stop illicit trade, and cooperation needed in the academia for a sustainable future. The session is partly invited (in collaboration with the WCOM [Working with Cultural Objects and Manuscripts] project) and partly open.

2) The second session is a joint session with Ritual in the Biblical World unit. It welcomes papers exploring ritual experience that relates to the Dead Sea Scrolls/the Qumran movement or other relevant late Second Temple evidence, with a special focus on festival landscapes, festival time, habitus and ritual innovation in interaction with ritual theory.

3) The third session is a joint session with Digital Humanities unit. It invites proposals on ongoing research projects that produce new digital/online editions of the Dead Sea Scrolls or make use of digital tools in studying the scrolls and presenting the data.

4) The fourth session is open, and welcomes proposals on any relevant topic with a clear abstract stating the task or question, sources, and methods or theoretical framework.

Program Unit Chairs
Jutta Jokiranta
Matthew Goff

Further information can be found here.

Qumrân en contexte (Programme 2017–2018; Séminaire Qumrân de Paris)

(Courtesy of Claude Matlofsky)



Programme 2017–2018: Qumrân en contexte

Le mardi de 12h à 14h: Institut protestant de théologie: 83, bd Arago 75013 Paris, salle 22 (métro: Denfert-Rochereau ou Saint-Jacques)


Mardi 7 novembre 2017:

Katell Berthelot (CNRS): «Reconquérir la Terre Promise? Les guerres hasmonéennes ou la déconstruction d’un paradigme historiographique»

Mardi 12 décembre 2017:

André Lemaire (EPHE): «Qumrân: 1. Les inscriptions du Khirbeh. 2. La fonction du site vers le tournant de notre ère: un beith midrash

Mardi 9 janvier 2018:

Claire Decomps (Conservateur en chef, Région Grand Est/ Service de l’inventaire général du patrimoine culturel): «La genizah de Dambach-la-Ville exposée au MAHJ»

Mardi 13 février 2018:

Francis Schmidt (EPHE) : «Présentation de l’ouvrage de Helen R. Jacobus, Zodiac Calenders in the Dead Sea Scrolls and their Reception: Ancient Astronomy and Astrology in Early Judaism», IJS Studies in Judaica 14, Leyde: Brill, 2015

Mardi 6 mars 2018:

Claude Cohen-Matlofsky (Institut Élie Wiesel): «Les cimetières de Qumrân en contexte: étude comparative des pratiques funéraires en Judée-Palestine hellénistique et romaine»

Mardi 10 avril 2018:

Christophe Batsch (Université de Lille): «Perspectives pour un colloque»

Mardi 15 mai 2018:

Charlotte Hempel (Université de Birmingham): «Where is ‘Ezra’ in the Dead Sea Scrolls?»

Mardi 5 juin 2018:

Antony Perrot (Doctorant EPHE): «Lire un texte opisthographe à Qumrân»

The Rose-Marie Lewent Conference – The Dead Sea Scrolls at 70 (New York, November 16–17, 2017)

The Rose-Marie Lewent Conference

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